Friday, January 27, 2012


Update.  All of Baroquen's are broken!  The other tort showed its markings yesterday.  It's like 80% so it took this long for the white parts to fully appear (to my old eyes).  I think the other 2 will be showable brokens, but they are borderline for 50%.  Still surprising to get such heavy patterns from spot x blanket.

I read something online the other day.  Don't remember where (probably Facebook) or who, but it might have been a Mini Rex breeder.  (I wouldn't make a very good reporter, would I?)  What I did get from this was some more insight into the broken gene.  I believe experienced breeders of breeds that have good broken pattern well established are the best source for knowledge about the broken gene.  Mini Rex is one of these.  Here is an excellent article about brokens.

This was timely because of the heavy patterns in the Baroquen x Sugardaddy litter.  Her last litter was with a solid black and she threw barely 10% even though she has plenty of color.  So I expected some spots in her litter with Daddy.  Instead I got his heavy pattern.  Not really complaining here.  Just trying to understand it.

This person said that broken x broken will produce charlies AND booted.  Booted isn't something we see in dwarfs, at least not yet.  From what I've seen, it's common in Mini Rex.  Booted has very little white, often limited to the feet.  What I would call 90%.  I had never seen it in my double broken litters when a spot was one of the mates.  Until now.  I think Sugardaddy is responsible.  I might have to adjust my breeding strategy to prevent establishing a booted pattern.

But there's another mystery in my broken herd.  The torts.  I have got spot torts in the past, but this latest foray into actively breeding for tort has not produced a single spot.  Every broken tort has been heavy blankets, usually too much color.  I've noticed in the past that certain solid colors didn't give enough pattern.  I've also had solids (usually black) that pulled excellent pattern consistently.  I just assumed it was about that particular rabbit.  But it's not just particular torts, it's all the unrelated lines that carry for it.  Maybe there's something else going on here.  I'm trying to get litters from the Jacob's sable pt with broken black does (does aren't cooperating) to see if it is the tort, as in non-extension SELF, as opposed to non-extension shaded.

I'm off to my first show of the year tomorrow.  The Triple Crown in Spartanburg, SC.  The next show after that is Dalton, GA in March.  Weather is holding out for the weekend.  A little cooler, but decent temperatures and no snow predicted.

52 days until Spring