Sunday, April 11, 2010


Good show. With so many nationals going on this week, a lot of the usuals weren't there. Luckily there were enough dwarfs. I did pretty well.

Himi JB Camaro earned 2 BOG legs for a total of 3. He's been my pick of the 2 bros (Cavalier) since the beginning, and so far my instincts are right on. I'm still going to hang onto Cavalier for a while in case that changes as they get older.

I showed their half-sis Chevelle for the first time. She was the only himi doe so BOSV no leg. I sold her little sis who is very nice, too. I often sell the smaller of 2 sisters since their future is as a brood doe. Chevelle might even go broody, but that's ok. That's what I need her for...replacement for her dam.

Opal SB SVR Sterling was BOB in show A! Didn't see that coming! There were some real nice chestnuts and otters for competition, and they took show B. The judge and trainee looked at his nails for almost 10 minutes and I expected him to get thrown off. His front nails are pretty light but not white, and I clipped them as short as possible so it wouldn't be as noticable.

For the 2nd time, a judge questioned Bluesman's color. The judges want to say he's lilac. He is blue but rather light. I've had lilacs so I know the difference.

Next show is the Triple Crown in Spartanburg on the 24th. Don't know yet what I'm entering. Might not have as many. It will be harder to slip possible DQs past these judges.

In nestbox news:

Raspberry Run Taleah x Raspberry Run Messenger - 4 himis. She had 6 altogether. I knew she was stuffed with babies...her belly was draggin the ground. I think I'll document this litter for a color article. Right now they look like 2 sables, a smoke pearl, and a himi. They can only be himis but it shows how himi kits can fool you.

Foxy Lady x Ford's Ranger - 4 brokens + a broken peanut. Yay! I don't know what colors yet. I'll document this litter as well. Both parents are chestnut, but at this point only 1 kit is chesnut. This is daughter x sire so recessives could show up. Both carry self...might be something self. Sire carries shaded so daughter probably does...they look like sables. Daughter carries dilute, but sire doesn't...can't be blue. It will be interesting to see what other recessives the sire is hiding.

Little black doe Rayven (x dumped a litter of 4 on the wire. I didn't think she was bred so she didn't have a box. She didn't lift and I didn't see Dot connect. She made a pretty nest of fur in the corner. The kits were all DOA anyways, but at least not terribly mangled. I was worried she wouldn't be able to handle his get because he's bigger than she is. I think she'll be ok. 2 were well-marked brokens.

All the rest were misses. Dammit. I bred 3 to Sterling and 1 to Bluesman. I'm desperate for dilute brokens. I hope it's just due to the bucks' inexperience. I was really looking forward to Sterling's get. Bluesman is not yet 6 mos so hopefully just immature. Sterling is about a year old, but I'm not giving up on him yet. His breeder said that line was a bit slow to produce.

So I'll be rebreeding does today. Got a couple due on the 13th.

In other news:

I only see 2 guineas this morning. That usually means the hen is sitting on a clutch somewhere. Now to find where she is hiding. The males sometimes point her out so I'll keep an eye on them. I have an incubator now and will give that a try. These 3 are all that survived last year's clutches and I need more survivors.

All for now.