Sunday, May 30, 2010

Taylorsville, NC

Don't have anything to brag about. It was a pretty good show for fun and I did sell some things which made it worth the drive. It was such a long hot day! Very humid. The show ran way too long. I think the officials were new to this (not the usuals) and judges were standing around waiting for a breed. A couple judges were no-shows which also put a glitch in the efficiency. I didn't get home until 8:30 and that's pretty bad for T-ville. I was grumpy and very tired by the time I got home.

And geez, did I feel grody! I've noticed this before at this fairgrounds when it's hot and humid. My skin was so sticky I couldn't wait to get home and wash off! I think the fans everyone set up for their rabbits have a lot to do with it. It's blowing stuff on the floor all around. We're sweaty and it sticks to us. Yuck! I saw evidence of this a couple years ago at the T-ville night show. My friend and I stayed at a motel that time. She showed me the white motel washcloth after she washed her face off and it was covered in black soot! I didn't notice it on mine so much because I went straight to the shower with soap.

In guinea news:

I moved the incubator eggs off the rack in anticipation of the hatch. I candled them all and only found 6 out of the 18 that looked viable. I moved them just in the nick of time! The next morning, 1 hatched! So far there's still just the one. Poor little thing looks so small and lonely in the brooder bin. It's eating and drinking well. I gave it an old washcloth to snuggle against and it seems to like that.

Since I couldn't count on the rest hatching, and at this point I'm thinking they won't, I stole 10 more from the hen's 2nd clutch. Estimated hatch for those is around the 1st week of June. This time I candled them before placing in the incubator, and they seem to be good to go. I'm not using the turner rack this time. I'm just turning them by hand once a day or so. The hen still has about 10 and she's sitting almost constantly now.

The older keets are out in the rabbitry in a converted rabbit cage. They're still too small to let out of the cage. I'll turn them loose in the rabbitry in about a week and they can learn insect catching skills on the rabbit manure. They should be big enough to turn out free range in a month or so.

Haven't decided when my next show is. I'm in a rather bad place right now. I only have 4 jrs to enter and most are now officially srs. They aren't yet competive as srs. I'll need an ulterior motive to drive very far to a show.
