Monday, March 8, 2010


March 6, 2010. This was only my 2nd show this year. Weather prevented my going to any others. Good day. It's a triple which can make for a long day, but they ran our breed side by side for B & C so I was done earlier than usual. The groups were split between 2 judges who were set up next to each other. It was a bit confusing, but the writers kept it straight.

I didn't have a lot to show. More than anything I was delivering a lot of buns, and had a few more to sell. My sr himi doe Anaba (6 legs) was beat by her sister every time. This was a doe I had given to a friend. Isn't that how it goes! Anaba is starting to blow her coat and she lost mostly on condition. She started to shed the week before the show. This was her last show anyways. She's getting bred.

My favorite of 2 himi brothers (Camaro) was DQ'd in A for a broken toe on his front foot. Dammit. I think his bro (Cavalier) got a BOV leg for that show. I was excited about A because we had a very good dwarf judge, and one of his varieties is himi. He really liked Camaro and I think he would have given him the leg and maybe even the group. B & C judges didn't catch the broken toe, and he was placed over Cavalier in both of those, but can't remember if he got a leg. I feel pretty good about that because it means my judgement of the 2 bros seems to be right on.

Artisan (broken chestnut) showed very well (he's a pro poser!), but his fur is still young and fluffy. He didn't compare to the sr brokens. At least his lack of butterfly wasn't an issue. He just has freckles in the whisker bed and they've gotten bigger with age. None of the judges even commented on that.

I picked up the new opal buck and he's even better in person! I'll have to get a new pic of him. The one I was given has him much lighter. His color is deep and rich with a good ring pattern. He might even help improve the blues in my herd. They tend to be too light. I might show him a few times. Opals are very rare on the tables here.

Also brought home a new broken black jr doe (impulse buy). She's broody but has excellent pattern and real nice body. Her lines are completely unrelated to mine and I like that too. It's good to bring in new blood sometimes. I think the agouti bucks will go nicely with her.

I delivered 8 pre-sold buns and sold the other 3 I brought with me. That cleaned out a lot of holes. Then I drove up into Virgina Sunday to deliver the rest. As well as 4 I relayed for someone else. That completely emptied my sale page and more holes. Yay!

Originally all of them were supposed to be delivered at the show Sat, but that fell through a bit. Just as well, it was going to be tight for carrier holes. I didn't really mind the drive to VA. Only had to go 2 hrs and it was a nice day for a drive. The first time I've been that far into VA when it wasn't raining. I could actually enjoy the view. They still have quite a bit of snow up there. I just vegetated when I got home. That was a lot of driving in 2 days and my legs were so tired.

The weather finally got better and I hope it stays that way. I want to move bucks and jrs to the Summer House so I can get to spring cleaning. I'll be down to just 10 occupied brood holes in the shed. Maybe 12. Have a couple other does that are coming of age.

I am so bad! I have nothing bred right now! That is just so wrong for spring. Now that I have the new buck here, I'll get to it today! I've been saving does for him.

I also have to make time for the gardens. It's that time again.

Supposed to get near 60 today. I can open windows and let some fresh air in this stuffy house!

11 days until SPRING!
