Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Moving Day

Yesterday, I moved the boys and youngsters out to the Summer House. Shouldn't see too much cold weather from here on in, so it's time. Takes half the cleaning work off me so I can spend more time in the gardens. That pretty much took the whole day. I had to decide who goes where, and then change my mind if a couple (like Black Tye) were being too randy with their neighbor. Can't have him splitting the lip of a show bunny. I clipped everyone's nails as I moved them, and whatever other grooming they needed. I carry them out 2 at a time in the little single carriers so about 9 or 10 trips to get it all done.

Then it was fun to just sit back and watch them check out the new digs. Bunnies really seem to enjoy a change of scenary and neighbors. They played with their wood and hay, but it might have been a bit of showing off for the others. Silly rabbits.

I wanted to set up a photo shoot for the babies, but kinda ran out of gas after that. They are about 4 wks old now, and that's the cutest age. I'll try to get to it today.

Got some promising babies and lots of does. Yay! Does have been scarce in litters lately. I think both BEWs are does, but haven't been able to sex the chestnut VMs yet. The black VM in Misty's litter (her only child) is a doe. There's several broken and solid black does. I'm pretty sure Black Dahlia's only child (x Axl) is a broken Sable Point doe. That's a first. Unfortunately, she doesn't have enough showable pattern, and Sable Pt might not show well as broken anyways. But she's a doe so probably a keeper. Iron Maiden's 2 smoke babies are bucks I think. I thought (hoped) one was a doe, and that could still change.

The 2 out of Hamilton's Infiniti (x Black Tye) are does. Ohyeah!!! These are special. This darn doe gave me fits (she's gone now). She missed and missed. When she finally had a litter, she ate on them. Gross! Her last litter I got lucky and she had them before night. I was able to save 2 of them. She had already taken the head off the 3rd. I whisked them into another doe's nestbox. The solid black is gianormous, but boy is she something! She has the signature import fur and is solid all over. The broken black is marked just like her daddy, and so far I'm loving her too. She might be small enough to be a show bunny. I hope Tye shortened them up. Looks like he might have. The dam was a big and long doe, although she was a true dwarf (threw peanuts). Tye was the best option for her being my shortest broken buck.

Got a few litters due this weekend. There's a NC show this weekend too, but have pretty much decided to take a break this week. Remembering the litters due has clinched it. I've been to shows 3 out of 4 wks this month, and 2 were in NC. I could use the break (and save the money) to work on some other things that need my attention. Next show will be the Knoxville (not in Knoxville this year) triple May 9.
