I forgot to mention a blunder that happened in the barn about a week ago. My bad.
Zimmerman's Suzie x Jacob's J269 had 3 sable points.
Zimmerman's Lita x Sugardaddy had 4 brokens - 2 black, 2 sable pts.
Baroquen x Smith's BL4 had 1 broken black.
Chevette x Bruin had 1 himi.
I gave Chevette's and Baroquen's singletons to Lita. I gave one of Lita's broken blacks to Suzie. That gave Suzie 4 and Lita 5. Because of colors, I could keep track of what belonged to who.
So I was playing with the babies, 4 wks old at the time. I looked at Lita's bunch first. Then I pulled Suzie's out . Not paying attention, I put the broken back in Lita's cage (they're right next to each other). Didn't realize my mistake until the next day when I missed the broken in Suzie's cage. I actually looked around to see if it had gotten out. Then realized Lita's cage looked crowded. Yep, there it was. I didn't know if Suzie would accept it back. She's the less mellow of the 2 does. So Lita is now raising 6. She actually dropped 6 but 2 were peanuts. So far, it seems to be ok. The kits are eating solid food well, and probably aren't nursing much now. That was my main concern, that she wouldn't allow the stranger to nurse or that she couldn't support them all. It's safe to say Lita is a bomb-proof doe.
It's been getting pretty hot during the day. I'm debating whether to wean all those babies out early. It looks so crowded and hot in those 2 cages. I usually wean out at 6 weeks, but that's not until next week.
Got a new litter from Dreamspinner x Jacob's today. 1 broken black, 2 broken (I think) torts. Very good! All have good pattern. It's about time I got some broken torts with decent pattern. I didn't know if Dreamspinner carried non-extension but now I know she does.
The other 2 kits I mentioned last time are a himi from Chevette x Bruin, and a tort from Broken Dream x Jacob's. Broken Dream is raising them. This is her first live litter (finally!!!). I really didn't want to give up on her, but it was getting there. I lost her "twin" sister to unknown cause, and Broken Dream was the only chance to keep that line going so I kept trying. Not to mention being a nice doe I really needed to be successful.