Just a few new photos of the birds.
The broody girls. One of the cochin's hatched yesterday. It's under all that fluff somewhere. I'm leaving it with her to see how it goes. I don't want any more black chicks so I'll only take them if they aren't black. BTW, that's the menacing "mama bear" pose. They puff up as big as they can and growl. More bark than bite. That cochin hen has never let me touch her but I can when she's on the nest. She's even accepted (under protest) my picking her up to see what's going on under her. I noticed she talks to her chick. A soft chuckling sound that she doesn't make any other time. Probably the bonding process what will help the chicks when they come out of the nest.
Partridge and buff pullets. One of the buff hens has a definite pet personality! I can't tell which one it is until she perches near me. She lets me pet her, looks like she enjoys it, and even seems to ask for it. I love friendly chickens!
The partridges are getting so pretty!
Colorful lawn ornaments!
I need a new camera. I don't know what's going on, but it's just not cutting it lately. Maybe it's me, but I don't think so. That shot of the free rangers should have come out better (Blogger didn't help by downsizing it), they were right there near me in good natural light. Heck, all of them should have come out better. I had to put quite a bit of editing on them to get them to look this good. I think the problem is the focus and shutter speed. It might be slowing due to wear or age, I don't know. Maybe it's also the resolution. I'll be researching new ones. I know I can take better pix than this!
I was wrong about Dreamspinner's litter. Those are not broken torts. Still not sure what they are but it's sure looking like siamese sables. Oh well, at least they are nicely broken.