NICE days! I'm not sure if Hurricane Irene is responsible or what, but I'm so glad for the coolth. Although, it's only supposed to last for a few days and then heat up again. Hopefully not as bad as it's been. The only thing missing is some rain. I was hoping Irene would bring some, but not. It was a huge storm stretching all the way to here as it went up the coast, but all we got was the dry outer clouds. We can use some rain.
The media is having a field day, and the Weather Channel is happier than flies on cow pies to have something to go on and on about. I'm glad the hurricane turned out to be less dangerous than expected, but it's funny to watch the media milk it.
I'm addicted to AC now. I'm good until 85 degrees, and then I'm too uncomfortable. We've hardly seen below 85 all summer. The heat ran me inside well before noon, so the yard and gardens got minimal attention. It was too hot to stay outside for long or to do anything much. Saturday, I was able to open up the house and turn off the AC for the first time in I don't know how long. There was a lovely breeze to sweep out the stale air. I spent a good part of the day outside, playing catch up in the yard. I didn't have to turn on the fan for the buns.
It really improved my mood. I love outside. Right now, it's the season of the saw flies. You know, those things that sound like a buzz saw. They're annual cicadas, BTW. Dog Day Harvest Flies to be exact. Their name says it. They buzz during the dog days of summer and the harvest. And the birds...there's always bird song. My point is that I love hearing the outside and I can't if the house is closed up for AC. I like the outside inside.
In my less than content state of mind while avoiding the outside, I'd been attempting to make some decisions. Not the best thing to do when in an unhappy mood. More about some of that later.
I haven't attempted to release the rest of the chickens for daily free-range yet. There's a few problems in the yard and I don't want to risk the few hens I have. One being the roosters out there. I don't want to give them access to the pen again since they won't be part of any breeding program. Training the birds to return to their current roost at night means those other birds will get in, too. Then there's the guineas. They've become very territorial about the chickens and since they are so much bigger, they hurt them. It might be why some went missing. I also don't want the guineas in that pen and keeping them out will be just as hard.
It might be hard to keep some of them inside the fence. I clipped the roos' wings when I turned them out, but a few still managed to get over the fence. Spiffy is one who comes and goes as he pleases. He's such a light-weight bird, he learned to fly without full wing feathers. I'm afraid he would teach the light-bodied hens how it's done. I'm sure he taught the other roos that got out.
Another problem is Abby the cat. She stalks the birds out there and might be responsible for a few of the deaths. The guineas are big enough to stay out of her reach, but the little chickens are more vulnerable. I've begun feeding her a little more so her predator instinct isn't so driven by hunger. I still want her to hunt rodents.
I'm seeing the first signs of fall around here. Leaves are turning and thinning out. We also need some rain for a full fall color show.