No, didn't feel it here, and I was bummed I didn't. There was an earthquake here a few years ago, and I definitely felt it. Just a little rattle and I wasn't sure if I imagined it. I actually tested the item that rattled to see if I bumped it. Earthquakes in TN? Turns out it was real and centered in NC just the other side of the mountains.
I have felt 3 other earthquakes in my life, and there was another that I didn't feel because of where I was at the time. All of them in Michigan while in the same house. Earthquakes in MI? Yep.
A little setup. It was sometime in the early 80s and I was living in a single-wide in a park. My place was at the back of a cul-de-sac with a wetland area behind it. The edge of the lot dropped off into this wetland depression. I began to think of that place is being on a "nerve line", maybe partially related to the lay of the land.
The 1st one, a friend was with me. I was doing something in the hallway and she was in the living room. I felt the shake which felt very strange, and came out to see if she felt it. She did and said my dog went on alert at the same time. I said, "Wouldn't that be weird if that was an earthquake?". A few minutes later they announced it on the radio. Wow.
I can't remember the time frame, maybe a few years later, but a friend was also with me for the 2nd. We were standing on either side of the kitchen bar talking. There was a large aquarium on the living room wall to his side. The water began to slosh around. We both looked at it in surprise. Again, the radio confirmed an earthquake.
I was at work in the factory for another shortly after that one. It would have been impossible to feel a tremor there. It was reported that it shook the stands at Tiger Stadium (Detroit) during a ball game. I have no doubt I would have felt it had I been home.
I was alone for the 3rd and that one was the eeriest. I was literally shaken awake at about 2 am. The bed shook that hard. I jumped up and the hairs on my arms stood straight up. I looked out windows to see if maybe there were kids messing around or something. I couldn't go back to sleep and turned on the TV to see if there was anything. There wasn't. I couldn't stand it and called the local police station to see if they had reports of an earthquake. They didn't and said it would have come over the ticker tape. I'm not sure if they thought I was a nutjob calling like that. I asked at work the next day if anyone had heard anything about an earthquake. Everyone teased me for dreaming things. A couple days later, there it was in the paper! It was centered in Ohio and I felt it all the way up in mid-MI. I knew I wasn't crazy!
Of course, if you live in an area in danger from a strong quake, it's reason to panic. I understand there was quite a bit of property damage in the vicinity of the VA quake because of its strength. But if you're in an area not known for it, a small tremor is kind of exciting and fun. So yeah, a little bummed I missed it this time.
I discovered a cool site shortly after the TN quake. Recent Earthquakes in Central US. You'd be surprised where and how many earthquakes are happening all the time. They're actually pretty common in TN.