I finally finished the barn remodel. You can see it here. Glad that's done so I can move on to something else. I figure I'll be moving all the buns in by the end of the month when we'll start getting more freezing nights. I eliminated the center unit for now, but I have the parts to put it back together if I need it. I don't plan to need it. I like the extra room to move around and position fans and heaters. I'm thinking about investing in a couple of bins big enough to stow a bale of hay which could sit stacked in the middle of the floor. I might make a playpen to sit on top of it. I'm sure the buns would enjoy that.
ARBA Convention is over and as I write this, exhibitors are checking their rabbits out to go home. Congratulations to all the winners and high placings. Wishing everyone a safe journey home.
This means my new Torts from Shadowland Rabbitry will be here soon. A friend is bringing them back for me, and I'm going down to get them this weekend. I've posted pix that I have from their breeder on my site. Whiskey Mac placed 2/6 jr bucks at convention. Honeycomb is pre-bred to a broken blue out of Micro Ranch lines. My transporter friend told me she's stealing Honeycomb. I guess that means she really likes her. Can't wait to see them. Honeycomb is due about a week after she gets here, along with another doe I managed to get bred for the same time.
Why Torts? Why not? No really, I do have a plan. At this time, I'm mostly only showing in the AOV group with Brokens and Himis, but there's occasionally something worth entering in the Self group. I've given up on broken agoutis, and don't intend to keep or show any solid otters that come out of the broken otters. Tort will give me another group to enter without having shadeds, and they'll fit well with the broken selfs.
Honeycomb's next mate after this litter will be Messenger. He carries non-extension and I should get tort out of that. After that, Whiskey Mac should be old enough to breed. I'll be giving him broken black does that might carry tort, too. Litters should be a little more colorful next year.
There's a glitch in this new plan, but I'll deal with it when the time comes. You see, I was counting on Blue Tort passing which would have had them officially recognized and showable in Feb. Something went wrong and they failed. Big bummer that. The broken blue that Honeycomb is bred to came from the Blue Tort presenter's lines, and that means they could show up in my litters. I probably won't keep Blue Torts to maintain the herd size where I want it, at least until if and when they are accepted. They might be useful for the dilute gene, and type will decide that.
Another interesting thing that could happen involves Foxy Lady, the one broken chestnut I'm keeping for now. There's a good chance she carries non-extension, too. What might happen? Bred to tort, which I might try, I could get orange or fawn. Not that I want them, but broken orange is so pretty I won't mind too much.
Well, it's another gorgeous fall day so I'm off to take advantage of it.