Sunday, November 14, 2010

Got em

Went down to my friend's yesterday to pick up the Torts. I'm very pleased with them. They're a bit rough around the edges but that's to be expected with what they went through to get here. They flew from Washington state, spent most of the week in convention coops, then the 24 hour drive home to TN in carriers, and the last 2 hour leg to my place.

Whiskey Mac is so cute! He's in the process of growing his head. Even though light in flesh from his travels, I can tell he has a rock solid butt. He's very sweet, and lit right into the hay when I got him home.

Honeycomb is also very cute. She was vocally grumpy when I moved her into my carrier to leave. I don't blame her. Brenda's house is a bit chaotic with 4 big dogs and a little BEW buck who rules the roost. She was quiet when I got her home into her own hole. Look forward to her litter that's due in about a week.

Visiting Brenda is a lot of fun. Moonwalker is the house bunny (bred by me) and it's a blast watching him tear around the house. Makes me want to try a house bunny. The big dogs include a 150 lb mastiff that's the handsomest sweetest guy. Moonwalker just climbs over him if he's laying in the way. Moonwalker accepted me pretty quickly and if my hand was hanging in reach, he was right there begging for attention. My pant legs and shoes were thoroughly chinned.

She and her husband own and operate a pet shop so there's a lot of other critters there too. A couple parrots, including a talking African Grey, and a chinchilla in the living room. Lizards, snakes, fish, guinea pigs and rats occupy other rooms. Always a fun visit.

I have a couple litters due today. Both 1st timers so keeping my fingers crossed. Another is due the same time as Honeycomb and a couple more a few days after that.

Still really nice for weather but I believe that's changing this coming week. Wish it was like this all the time. 50s-60s at night and 70s-80s daytime would be the ideal climate for me. Is there such a place?
