But first I have to finish the project in the barn. I got one brood unit done in time for some litters that were due. The does are in the Summer House until their due dates, and I've been rotating them in and out as those dates come. If they give me a litter, they stay in.
Here's a pic of the 1st finished brood unit.

There were a few flaws in the original design. It wasn't that easy to clean the wavy panels, and it wasn't leak-proof. That's a needful thing with a wood floor. I laid flat vinyl flashing over the panels which solved the leaks. It can now be raked out much faster with a squeegy, and I can do light wet cleaning as well. The urine guards are attached to the frame instead of the cages which is part of the leak-proofing. Everything is directed onto the chute. The cage strips were attached directly to the legs, and the units couldn't be moved outside for heavy cleaning very easily. I added some support rails and the cage strips now slide out of the units.
I'll update the Barn page when it's all finished. Since I'll be maintaining a smaller herd, I eliminated the unit that stood in the middle. It was mostly in the way, anyways. I have the parts if I need to put it back together. This cut the barn back to 36 holes. In a pinch, I can use the Summer House for overflow during winter, but it's my plan to not need it.
Nestbox News:
Yes, I have some babies! Considering the does have been idle for most of the summer because of the heat, they've done remarkably well. Currently 2 does on litters and 5 babies. I'll take it! A few more due next week.
Rayven x Lil' Bit Farms LB92 - 1 black. It's a tiny thing and yay...not an otter. Also 2 DOA solids. Have yet to get broken out of this little doe.
Dreamer x Smith's DA - 1 broken black with her pattern. She had 2 DOAs and they were well-marked brokens, too. I love getting an entire litter of brokens out of a broken x solid pair. Fostered to Rayven.
Lady Blaque x Lil' Bit Farms LB92 - 1 broken black, 1 broken black otter, 1 blue. I'm very pleased with this litter! Only one otter and it's not the solid blue...yay. Oh and no charlies which would be expected from broken x broken. The brokens have plenty of pattern.
Do you get the feeling I don't like otters? Well, there's a lot behind my resistance to otter peer pressure, but I won't go into it. I can live with broken otters, but I'll cull all solid otters. LB92 is broken black otter so I'll get them. He's here as a parts rabbit for type and pattern, and the added bonus that he carries self and dilute. So far he throws more selfs than otters, and that works for me.
Guinea News:
Some came up MIA, and there's only 9 of the original 14 now. All the flocks (remember, there were 3) have joined into one. I can still spot the 2 original adults, but it won't be much longer and they'll all be identical. Yeah, those supposed-to-be pieds I bought from NC are not. Oh well, at least there's more genetic diversity. Next year, I'll see about bringing in more color variety.
Show News:
Next show is Fairview, NC. Don't have much to show, but it's so close I have to go. I'm down to 1 sr buck and a couple jrs. That's bad. Sr does that were doing well on the tables are now retired to breeding. Not breeding all summer meant few fall jrs. Sr bucks are off the show string for this reason or that. I'll get some litters out of them and then decide what to do with them.
Sadly, in the last couple months, 3 local dwarf breeders were forced to sell out due to personal circumstances. Seems to be a lot of that going around. We'll miss them and their lovely bunnies at shows.
Oh and one last thing. Dark Moon Graphix is now open. Offering custom web art design and a few freebies.