It really cooled off a lot! It was a chilly 43 this morning. I can finally turn off the AC in the house and open windows again.
The Murfreesboro show yesterday was a real nice day. Also quite cool. It was almost too cool in the showroom. Stepping outside into the sun felt good. I don't have a lot to show for it. RR Messenger earned another BOG leg for a total of 6. Other than that, I was almost embarrassed by my entries. I have next to nothing to show these days. At least I enjoyed visiting with friends.
I did get rid of some stuff, including the old computer. I'm sure ticket buyers were excited to see something like that on the raffle table. Works for me if it's of use to someone else. No one is interested in buying an old computer, but they'd take it for free. I'd rather it benefit a rabbit club than post it in classifieds.
As I said, I have little to show lately. It has not been a great year. Spring litters didn't yield much, and later breedings were unsuccessful. The extreme summer heat wave forced a hiatus on breeding, and I don't have very many jrs for fall shows. Current srs are very limited due to molt or condition. Some of the does that showed well as jrs have matured into broody does. I'll be attending very few shows for the rest of the year, and distance will have a lot to do with it.
Sales Policies. I've always viewed long, elaborate, riddled with legalize sales policies as rather pompous. I tried to keep mine as short and simple as possible. I now know how those policies become so convoluted. Issues are always coming up that create the need for new clauses and clarification. If all buyers were upfront, and respectful of the seller's position, sales policies wouldn't be needed at all. Unfortunately, that's not the case.
Enjoy the coolth.