Monday, February 20, 2012

Let's talk about chicks, man.

Yesterday, I caught the Brahma hen in the nestbox looking quite broody.  I didn't have the camera with me, of course.  She hadn't laid an egg at that time.  After I finished chores, I went in and got the camera, but she had already got out of the box and I found this.

This is the 1st egg I've been able to say who laid it.

The Brahma is also the largest hen out there.  She fit in the box with room to spare so my judgement on using this rig was right on.  Now I know what her eggs look like.  They're the darkest brown (so far) with a rough matte finish.  I've got 3 more just like it in the egg carton I'm holding eggs in until I have enough to start incubating.  Got 7 so far.  The others are shiny and white or beige.

So this morning, I stuck the camera in my pocket when I went out.  I now have a clue when a hen is going to lay an egg.  This morning the Rhode Island Red was fussing and cackling, couldn't seem to decide what she wanted to do or where she wanted to go.  

I'm sure she's ready to lay but didn't while I was out there.  I'll check again pretty soon.  At least I know the nestbox is a hit and they will use it.  So far, I've found eggs late morning or early afternoon so I make a point of looking then.

Since I had the camera in my hand, here's the rest of the flock all growed up.

Black Mottled Cochin roo with RIR hen & roo and Buff Laced Sebright hen.

The other Mottled Cochin roo and Buff Cochin hen.

Self Blue Old English and Buff Laced Sebright hens.

Rhode Island Red roo.

Just went out to check for an egg, and found a beige one on the ground.  I thought RIR laid dark brown eggs, but since that was the only hen that was fussing, I'm assuming it was hers.  It also seems she changed her mind about laying in the nestbox so I put fake eggs in there to see if that gets them to lay there.

In the rabbitry:

On a sad note, I lost the heaviest marked kit in the new broken litter.  I'm calling it failure to thrive.  Yesterday it was obvious it hadn't fed so I knew it was a matter of time.  There also seemed to be something wrong with it, the way it moved.  I've seen that before and figure it was injured or maybe brain damage.  It happens.  The other 3 are growing fat and healthy.

And apparently I miscalculated a bit on when Chevette was due.  She started nesting today.  I had her as due yesterday, but until today, she was just sitting in the box like they sometimes do if it's a miss.  So I'll be on baby watch with her today.

We got a little snow last night, but it didn't get real cold.  It was only about 1/2" but it stuck to everything and was very pretty.  It's sunny and warming up nicely now and most of it has melted.  They say it could be 70 by Thursday!  

28 days until Spring!
