Saturday, January 9, 2010

Things are lookin up.

I've got 4 new litters and 11 new babies! Wow! I've been pretty bummed about the lack of litters lately. DOAs, misses and kitcickles, too many 1st and 2nd timers, and even the experienced does were dropping the ball. They were all up for breeding, but very little to show for it.

It's soooo cold! I can't believe we aren't getting a break from this cold snap. It actually got up to 32 the other day but mostly it stays around 20 or less. I can't even turn off the heater in the barn during the day and most of the time, I'm running both. This month's electric bill is gonna kill me!

I consider myself so lucky I've got these litters. They all kindled at a time when I could catch them before the kits got cold. I'm hauling 5 nestboxes in the house every night. I would've fostered some around to reduce the number of nestboxes and put more in each box for warmth, but I want these does to raise their litters. I still might if I see some aren't happy with the nestbox removal routine. So far, they are all ok with it. Or if I see I will run out of nestboxes next week when more litters are due.

Onto the results:

Infinite Detail x Ford's Ranger - 1 chestnut, 1 broken chestnut (unless they turn black). The broken is over 75% color. Didn't expect that since she's a spot pattern, but the sire is very good for pulling pattern. There were 3 peanuts as well. Hmmm, I thought I.Detail was a BUD. She sure looks like it, but the peanuts prove her as true dwarf. She's out of a big import-line doe and pretty big herself. Her offspring so far are very nice. I pre-sold a very very nice little black buck that I probably should've kept. But don't need another black. Hope this turns out as well. The 75% can't be shown, but I hope it will be a fine brood rabbit. I hope the solid is a doe so I can back up the other chestnut doe who hasn't done very well so far. Actually, hope both are does. A lot of hopes there!

Whaley's Black Olive x HBB's Hamlet - 2 ?. They were pink at birth but I see some spots coming up on one of them so I suspect something dilute. No telling what I'll get from this pair. Olive is labeled black but I think she may be seal and she carries smoke. Hamlet is broken blue silver marten and he carries shaded, too. I hoped for better pattern as the sire's line is real good for throwing what they've got. This is her 2nd try. There was also a DOA.

Painted Lady x Raspberry Run Messenger. 1 broken black, 2 ?. The broken is -10%. This was an experiment in broken type. The 2 ?s are pink so maybe himi, maybe sable pt, maybe something else. Time will tell. Didn't turn out as I hoped for color. I've had good results breeding broken x himi for pattern, but since she carries shaded, the chances for himi are too good. Hers would be an option for fostering off so I can try again with another buck. In fact, as I write this, I think that's a very good idea. It's probably time to sell her but she gives such nice pattern (usually) that I'm not quite done with her yet. I'll make that decision after the other litters come this week. I plan to put a couple more does up for sale after their litters come.

Raspberry Run Taleah x Raspberry Run Messenger - 2 himi. I've been waiting for this litter! She was beginning to look like a very expensive bust. The breeder assured me that this line of does were excellent brood does which was a main reason for choosing her over the others offered at the time. This was her 3rd try and she pulled it off like an old pro. Yay!

I've got 4 more due on the 11th and I gave them nestboxes yesterday. And then more due on the 14th. I might have bred myself into a corner! I actually hope for some failures or at least fostering or I'll run out of nestboxes!

I hope this weather breaks pretty soon! I've got a couple shows later this month I absolutely have to make to deliver pre-solds. It will be rough if it doesn't warm a little or stop snowing. This is the south, it's supposed to be better...brrr...grrr!

I do ramble on when I've got something to talk about, don't I? May your nestboxes be as full as mine! Keep warm.

69 days until Spring!
