There were 3 blacks when I went out this morning. By late afternoon, all had hatched. All day, I was thinking about what to do. Should I leave them with her to see if it works out this time? Or should I "rescue" them? These are the first positively purebred cochins. I couldn't be sure with the earlier hatchlings.
These 3 are the reason I ultimately decided to save them. They're not black! I'm not sure what color they are, but they're definitely keepers. The darkest one looks like it could be blue. That would be very cool, although I don't really see blue coming from this pair. The lightest one (top right) might be buff. Can't wait to see what they turn out to be. The others are 4 blacks and 2 mottled blacks. I really didn't plan to raise any more chicks this year, but here I go again.
The other reason I decided to save this hatch is "type". I like the type on the mottled roos and the buff hen. They came from a breeder, not TSC or hatchery orders. They are small, compact, and very fluffy. The roos have lovely flowing tail a Vegas showgirl's costume. With the exception of the partridge trio, the rest have racier leggier type.
Speaking of the mottleds. Here they are with the brahma hen cleaning up under the bird feeder. No sunflowers sprouting in this garden! The one in front is the baby daddy Poochy. I can tell him from the other because he has more white. It's the reason I left him with the buff to breed...more mottling. He was just turned out this week. I had to put those stones around the freshly transplanted daylilies as they were doing a number on them with their scratching.
Now I have to run to town tomorrow and get chick starter. All I have is adult layer pellets. I mashed some up for the chicks but they're going to need the starter feed.