Such a colorful flock. Just what I wanted.

Big Red is the Rhode Island Red. I didn't capture the full beauty of his feathers, and the bright red head gear makes him even more striking. I think he might be the boss of everybody right now. While I was taking these photos, the buff Cochin roo grabbed and attempted to mount one of the RIR hens (I think that's what he was doing) and Big Red dashed over to defend his lady.

This is the Light Brahma hen with the Buff-Laced Sebright (Lacey) and Blue Old English (Madame Blue) hens. A name for the Brahma hasn't come to me so I just call her Biddy.

The 2 Black Mottled Cochin roos. Loosely named Poochie because they remind me of fluffy puppies.

Buff Cochin and d'Uccle roos. The buff and his buff mate (in the top pix) are Fluffy and Buffy. The d'Uccle is Millie for lack of a better name.
Besides greens and the seed bell, I also bought a canister of dried meal worms. It was kind of expensive but it's lasting quite a while as I give it out as a treat every few days. They get so excited when I pull out the canister. I toss the worms out one at a time to make sure everybody gets some. It's fun to make them dash around to catch them before someone else does. They also hang close when I'm feeding the buns. They snap up any dropped pellets and I throw the older pellets in the feed dishes out for them, too. They also love when I push out the chutes every few days. They scratch through the manure looking for pellets and bugs.
I've found a few more eggs since that first one. One every 3-4 days or so. Same size and color so I assume the same hen is laying.