It's rough. 95 today and the barn was hotter than that. I've only got 7 brood does in there, and they're all on the one wall. The fan is dedicated to them. That wall is shaded by the garden trees outside which I hope helps keep that wall a tiny bit cooler. They're handling it. Everybody else is in the Summer House and it's not too bad out there.
The litter of torts is about 2 weeks old. They came out of the box as soon as their eyes opened and seemed to have no desire to spend any more time in it. I don't blame them. I took it away yesterday and gave them a resting board. They like that. I think mom appreciates the box being gone. More room and air flow for her, too.
Almost lost one of the Blue OE roos. He slipped out before I could clip his wing. The adult guineas startled him to fly over the fence along the field. And there he paced back and forth along the fence. It's overgrown with brambles and I couldn't get to him. Even if I could get over there to try and herd him out, it wouldn't have done any good. He would have just ran back and forth along the fence deep in the brambles. He had to back away from the fence in order to fly back over it, and he didn't have that much sense. He was there for 3 days. I thought he was going to die there without water. Then he was gone but I didn't see the body. He showed up in the front yard. He finally decided to follow the fence out. Whew. I was able to herd him back into the fence then cornered him so I could clip the wing. Hopefully that will keep him from going over the fence for a while.
Went to the Taylorsville night show last weekend. That show is always pretty fun. Even though it was hot. It was actually better than last year. You could find a breeze and the humidity wasn't as bad. That's my last show until at least Sept.
Keep cool!