Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Updates 5.11.11

The website has been updated and the Barn page includes new pix of the Summer House / Poultry Palace.

There's also pix of a few new jr does. The "Dream" sisters are a continuation of the dream theme that started with Dreamboat Annie (now living elsewhere). Broken Dream is kind of unimaginative until you understand why. She lost a back toe when she was a baby. I don't know what happened but it was ripped off somehow and there's only a nub. So that dream of a show doe was broken. But she'll make a very nice brood doe. The sisters are almost identical with slight variations in pattern.

Here are pix of the newest chicks.

These Cochins are from the breeder at the swap last weekend. Red, Buff, and Mottled Black (3 of these). Red is my favorite (yep, that's its name). I don't know if the head will stay like that, probably not, but that would be cool. They are considerably fluffier than the TSC Cochins, and the Mottleds are more white than the older TSC Mottleds. The breeder's adult Mottleds were more white than black. Very pretty!

The next batch is the last shipment of TSC Cochins. I quit! I promise, no more new chicks.

I think Silver Laced, Gold Laced (3), and Barred.

I probably won't name all the birds, but some have acquired a handle. The Spangled Old English cockerel is Spiffy because, well, he's so spiffy-lookin. He's also one of the tamest, although he gets rough on some of the others. Oddly, he and the white Japanese cockerel seem to be buds.

Then I discovered the black OE pullet has 5 toes on one foot. One of the front toes is split like a Y with claws and everything. I call her High Five, but don't know if I'll keep her. She's really bossy with everyone, and I can't have her picking on the younger Cochins.

The new guinea keets.

Royal Purple (4) & Coral Blue (6).

Cochin chick and guinea keet for comparison. I'm not sure on age, but I believe the keet is 3-4 days and the chick is 5-7. Trust me when I say guineas hatch smaller than bantams. Amazing when you know how big the adults will be.

Guinea egg & Grade A Large egg from the store.

The guinea hen is setting somewhere. I know the general area but haven't found the nest yet. I know this because she goes missing for most of the day and just comes out a few times to forage. I've been trying to watch where she goes, but keep getting distracted while she meanders around with the males for too long. When I remember to notice, she's already gone to the nest. Guineas are very hard to see when they are on the nest so I have to see where she goes.

Yesterday, I was stunned to see 2 young deer walk into the yard in the middle of the day! I have never ever seen deer here! Somehow they snuck past the neighbor's dogs, and mine didn't notice either. The guineas alerted me to look out the window. I wish I could have got a photo, but it didn't take through the window. They were right up here by the car which is in front of the gate! That's when my dogs noticed them. They didn't know what to think. I could tell because their barks were less confident.

A thunderstorm just blew by, but it was gentle here. It moved out very quickly and didn't rain a lot. Of course, I checked the weather map to see what it looked like. Yeah, still pretty gun-shy. This is the 1st storm since the twisters. Weather has been perfect otherwise. Clear, sunny, and warm.
