Still don't know what they are, but at least I can guess colors on this batch. They only had the 1 blue. The 2 whites this time are actually a buff color. I looked around the net and the reds might be partridge. That would be cool since that's one of my favorite varieties...the classic "rainbow rooster". The blacks might be mottled something...one has some white on it.
I also took a chance on the only feather-leg in that shipment because it was such a pretty foxy color. Sadly, lost it the 1st night. I took it back and they allowed me the exchange, but the only ones left were black or buff so I got another black. Then I lost another little odd color not like any of the others the next day. I was pretty sure I would lose it, it didn't seem to be thriving. Would have been nice if it died when I took the other back. I didn't feel like going back up there so I just called it a loss.

The white and a couple others are developing combs which might mean roosters. A friend told me that big combed breeds will sometimes develop early on hens, too, so can't really call that either until I figure out the breeds.
I handle them everyday. Some are flightier than others. A couple are considerably calmer and allow me to pet them without running away.

The infamous Rooster Cogburn got on my last nerve this week, and he's now in jail awaiting deportation. I think I've mentioned how he goes in the pet carrier where I feed the cat. I've tried to block it from him while still allowing her access, but he always figures it out. He pecks her tail until she comes out. When he got past my latest attempts at blocks, I said fine, stay in there, and locked him in it for the day. During that time, I decided he lost privileges. I was tired of his mess on top of the cat's box, and all over the porch where he roosts. I was really tired of having to carry a weapon everywhere I went in the yard. I had a large cage kicking around and set it up for him...his jail cell. Then decided he needs to go away. I'm worried about the new chicks. He was pretty rough on the guinea keets sometimes. I think he will be a problem when it comes time to put them outside. I'm taking him with me to the show this weekend to try and rehome him. His previous owner said he'd take him back if no one else took him. One way or another, this bird has to go. I'd rather take my chances that roosters in the chicks will be easier to live with.
I need a few things from TSC so I'll go up this Thursday to see if I can catch another interesting bantam shipment. Trying to restrain myself but I know if there's some new variety or more of the colors I like, I'll get a few more.
The poultry pen is coming along. It was so nice yesterday, I worked on it almost all day. Then that line of storms came ripping up through the valley last night, and left cold air in its wake today. Too cool for me to do much outside. Supposed to warm up again after today so I'll be back at it.
Not a lot going on in the rabbitry. A few litters due this week. I'll get back to that next time. BTW, I decided bantams fit under the Spring Creek Gems name. Little rabbits, little chickens.