Moved all the bucks and jrs out to the Summer House today. 19 altogether. That leaves 12 does in the shed. Most of those are bred. Will breed the rest this weekend.
After I got everyone situated, I sat down and watched them. It's fun to watch them check out new digs and neighbors.
That takes quite a bit of regular cleaning work off me. Just 12 in the shed means I can clean the brush clean system into one bucket instead of two every other day or so.
I suppose I could move all of them out there. With the herd reduction, there's plenty of holes. But I just feel better knowing litters will be born in the rodent/snake proof shed. I can also control temps in there if they fall when litters are due. That happens a lot. And I didn't really design the Summer House's holes for nestboxes.
Now I can begin spring cleaning in the shed. Not really looking forward to that big job but it must be done.
7 days until SPRING!