With a heavy heart, I've made the decision to sell out of Blue-Eyed White. This is really hard for me, they've been a major part of the rabbitry for over 8 years. I will miss their beautiful blue eyes and quirky personalities.
My reasons have to do with the overall plan to maintain a much lower head count. As of now, the BEW herd is at a standstill. They've gone as far as they're going to with the current stock. The only way to move forward is to outcross again. That means at least 2 generations before I see results. Showable results, that is. I'm no longer willing to devote that much time and space to the project.
Details here.... For Sale. I've set a package price for the entire BEW herd as I'd like to sell them that way. I would love for someone to continue with what I've done so far. Otherwise, prices are firm for individuals.
In other news. It's COLD! What a wicked winter it's been in the south this year! I didn't get much snow out of the latest round of storms, but parts of the deep south were hit pretty hard and they're not used to it.
I keep telling myself...February is half over....it will get better soon. It has to, right? Right?
Happy Valentine's Day!
33 Days Until Spring!