Aaah, my favorite time of the year. Daffodils are in full bloom and some of the flowering trees and shrubs are popping. It's been real nice weather-wise. A little rainy, but we need rain. Altho, it dipped back into the low 30s this morning, and same is predicted for tomorrow.
The 3 wk old litters are hopping out of the box. The best age! I attempted to confirm the early teat-sexing yesterday, and I think most of my first impressions are correct. Looks like lots of does...yay.
A lot of promising babies. A pair of smoke pearls, lots of blacks and broken blacks. Unfortunately, none of the brokens out of my beloved Silverado have pattern. I'll keep trying him on broken does. I did get a real nice broken seal buck out of Silver, but I sold him. Just don't have room for too many unshowable bucks.
Oh yeah and BEWs! I finally got some BEW babies! It's been so long since there were blue eyes in the nestbox. Moonbaby x Ford's Parti Boy (her 3rd try) had 2 BEWs, 2 chestnut VMs. All very cute at almost 2 wks old. The chestnut VMs are fun. I haven't had agouti in the box since the beginning of the rabbitry. They have cool markings, too.
I wasn't sure she was feeding them at first. Black Dahlia had a litter in time to take on some of them. I gave the BEWs to Dahlia because I trust her. Dahlia's litter wasn't as good as usual. She has 1 live left, and I think it's a broken sable pt. That would be a first.
I'm in show mode for Mocksville today. I'm not showing as many buns as usual. Just 5 bucks. Don't really have anything else except for some in the same varieties. Not a lot of point in showing against myself. Or the ones who haven't done as well on the table. No sense wasting fees on them.
I should thin out the broken black bucks, but they each have something to offer so I'm not ready to let them go yet. They all have such fun personalities and a place in my heart. If they were unfriendly, it would be easier to move them on.
Show season is in full swing. I have another NC show next weekend, and again the 1st week in April. A couple TN shows in May.
I decided I needed another blog to cover the gardens, so news about that can be found at Natureschild Gardenworks. It's now under "Other Blogs" to the right.