Lots to talk about! With pictures!
In Nestbox News:
Dreamspinner finally gave me a nice broken litter! This doe has been giving me fits. She raised a litter of 2 her 2nd try but I didn't keep either of them. They were both bucks, and the solid (
I hardly ever keep solid blacks) got the type I wanted on the broken. She's failed every time since then, and this was her 6th attempt. All with Smith's BL4 in hopes I'd get a better outcome than that earlier litter. I finally got it!
Look at all that beautiful pattern! I'm very pleased and guarding this litter with my life. It comes in the house each night. This is why I don't have a strict "3 strikes and out" policy. I'm usually rewarded for my patience. Hopefully, with this many to choose from, the type got to one or two of them. Some does would be real nice, too.
The heavier marked kit on the far left is looking suspiciously lighter, but I'm pretty sure it's just another black. There's a remote chance the parents carry dilute, but I haven't seen it from BL4 even when he was bred to blue does.
There's 2 more due this weekend. The PP's broken blue was building her nest yesterday but I don't have my hopes up. She's pissing me off. She took everything out of the box to nest on the wire, and when I moved the box like I usually do (and which usually works), she moved the box out of her way! She's not of my breeding, and she is coming up on the last strike. If she'd give me a sign she will eventually be successful, I'd probably keep trying, but I haven't seen it yet.
Chevette is due on Sunday. I have more confidence in her, she's pretty reliable. She's bred to Sugardaddy. I don't recommend breeding himi x broken, but I want something blue and this should give it.
Baroquen's broken litter is about 4 wks old now and of course very cute. I'm having trouble identifying one's color. This is the one with the most showable pattern, what I would call 50% or maybe 55%. It's much lighter than the black tort kit. I hoped it might be blue tort (possible), but the brown eyes are now showing it's not dilute. I have a sinking suspicion it's a chocolate tort. That would be a drag. I looked back in the parents' pedigrees and yes indeedy, there's chocolate on both sides in the 4th and 5th generations. With the super heavy patterns on the other 2, this litter is not looking as promising. One of those others better be a doe.
In Chicken News:
I'm starting to get eggs almost everyday and have started collecting them to hatch. I finally got the nestbox finished and hope they will start using it. Currently, the eggs are found on the ground near the gate. I hope I don't have to move the box over there. I don't want it there.

This started out as a home judging coop that I acquired in a trade. 30" long x 15" deep. It's been kicking around for a couple years because I couldn't decide where to use it. My grooming table isn't big enough for it, and I didn't have any place to hang it. The holes looked big enough for bantams so I pulled it out and studied it for a bit to figure out the best way to modify it. This is what I came up with. It had no bottom and I had to buy a board for that. Everything else I had on hand. The legs are leftovers from the metal rails I used for the rabbit cages. I knew those short pieces would come in handy someday! I added the 1x3 board across the front to make the holes deeper and to serve as a landing for the hens when they enter the box. Here's hoping they like it and use it.
The eggs are various shades of white, beige and brown and I still don't know who's laying. I think I've learned how to tell when an egg has been laid. Hens announce it! Loudly. So now when I hear that distinctive cackling, I go out and look for an egg.
In Other News:
I have a driveway! I didn't have a driveway at all. I've lived here for going on 8 years without it. I was finally able to handle the expense, and it was built in about 4 hours this week. My favorite contractors are great for just about anything I need them to do. It's the same company that put in the public water for me a few years ago. The fact that I just paid off that hefty bill made this new project possible.

I probably could have gone on without this, but there is a seasonal issue that made it necessary. As you can see, the yard goes down to a low spot just before the road. Run-off collected there and it got real soggy after heavy rains. The water comes down from the higher ground to the east (left) and off the road itself. I needed a running start to get my car through the water and up the incline and the low spot became rutted. My place is the mail carrier's last stop on this road and she turns around by my box. Last year, after extra heavy spring rains, she left a note in my box asking for some gravel there. That made me feel bad.
The estimate for the job called for 2 loads of gravel and we figured it would only go just to the incline. After the guys got into cutting and laying it, they thought there was enough gravel to go all the way up and there was. I never thought I'd get a complete driveway out of what I had to spend. Now even my car is parked on gravel! It got pretty muddy under the car because of the grass dying underneath it. And I don't have to move the car to cut the grass.
For more flood control, we decided a catch basin might help. So the guys dug this small water hole to the left of the drive. It will also serve as wildlife habitat. I had a seasonal water hole in MI and loved it for the wildlife it attracted. It was amazing to see robins and mockingbirds descend on the freshly bared dirt almost as soon as the guys left with their equipment.
I also called the road commission to dig out the ditch across the road. It was blocked and greatly responsible for the bad flooding last spring. The water came out of the ditch and directly across the road to my low spot. I was a little worried they would come out while my contractor was here, and they'd get in each other's way, but it worked out perfectly. They came out later that afternoon after my guys were long gone.
I shouldn't have to worry about heavy rain anymore. Got a little rain the next day and the hole caught some.
Weather is still really good. Had a brief cold snap and a little snow earlier this week but it was over before the litters were due. Daffodils drooped from the snow and cold, but they are raising their heads again.
30 days until Spring!