Sold as assorted so no idea what they are. It will be fun to see what they turn out to be. There's variation in the colors so I don't think they will be the same. There's a bit of what looks like barring or lacing on the wings of a couple. One I'm guessing will be black as it has a lot of black fluff around the chest and shoulders. That's it 2nd from the top in the photo.
What a difference from guinea keets! Keets are wild from the getgo. They dash around insanely if you put your hands anywhere near them and never outgrow it. These chicks are so calm and gentle. They scurry away, but it's not a mad dash. I'm going to handle them alot in hopes I'll have tame birds that can actually be handled. Sure hope there's some hens in the mix. They're in the house in the same bin I raised keets in with a heat lamp.
The summer house revamp for chickens is under way. I have time since these chicks are so small. Although I do need to get it done so I can confine the guinea hens when they lay. Should be pretty soon. I've seen mating going on. In fact, just saw some more boffing outside the window. That will be the job de jour for a few days.
BTW, this post title is what "The Soup" calls one of it's segments, but it's not about chickens. Pops into my head every time I see chicks. Love that show!
Nestbox News:
Honeycomb x Sugardaddy had 2 fat healthy torts on 3/21. There was also a very bizarre kit. You can see it here. It's interesting that both of the Shadowland torts have reawakened Max Factor and hippo in my herd. It's been so long since I saw it, I didn't know if it was still there. Apparently, it is.
This litter also proves Daddy as another non-extension carrier. Hope they got his head/ear. I took a ruler to his ears and they are exactly 1.5"!
Oh that's right, don't think I mentioned the MF litter. Foxy Lady was sold right after her litter was born (fostered). She was bred to Whiskey Mac. It was an experiment. She's chestnut, he's tort. She had 4 and one was MF. Of course it was the best broken in the litter and not chestnut. I gave the broken chestnut to Anaba who had 1, and the other 3 to an inexperienced doe who failed. That other doe culled the 3 for me, as I knew she would.
The surviving broken chestnut looks like a doe and is very cute and promising right now at 4 wks, but is 75% color. She's the last of the agoutis and will be sold. She might be of interest to orange breeders since she carries non-extension.
Spring has sprung and there's lots of bloom around here. I was surprised to see snow on top of the mountains when I went out yesterday. Hadn't really paid attention to the forecast. It's been a bit cooler but not cold.